Serendipity (noun) the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way.
Our meeting and journey in the last three months has been unbelievable, and so so refreshing.
When they say minds alike meet, not by design but by good fortune. This is “that” meeting of Values and Modus Operandi.
Ideal Scenario – Holistic mutually beneficial and a value based engagement.
As Is Scenario – Transactional consumerism based on mirage of aspirational values which have been thrust down our throats literally via an overload of messaging through all forms of communication whether traditional or through social media.
This gap was evident to us when we met serendipitously on 4th April 2022.
And so our journey began and it epitomizes this quote:
“In The Forest When The Branches Quarrel, The Roots Embrace”
Our anchoring; Let’s Get Back To Our Roots.
And thus our journey began with a True North Star
We invite you to join us in this sojourn to a better community in our personal, organizational and social spaces.
Let’s create A Free World .