The How
Each organization is different. “C” level executives are different. Aligning the individual core values of the principals to the collective organizational values across the board is an intricate and an exciting prospect.
With this in mind, after a one on one engagement with a “C” level Executive which we call the Discovery Consultation which follows this accepted approach.:
- Consultation /Initial Check up
- Initial diagnosis as per own designed grid / triangle
- Testing/in depth audits
- Findings/Prognosis
- Interventions
We would come up with a specific solution for you and your organization. The Individual African Values we subscribed to are mindfully and skilfully curated to align with “C” level and organizational values so we Go Local but Think Global in terms of scaling. That in essence is the secret sauce of our solutions. The broad parameters and guiding north star would be to align the organization’s/ principal’s core value system and lace them with our unique and specially curated traditional African values laden intervention.
After all we Aspire and Inspire in Africa.
Depending on the area of intervention be it :
- Exit/Succession planning
- Operational resources and SOP/ QMS gap bridging Or
- Straight up laser focussed intervention at specific customer touching points or product and service delivery failures in terms of service recovery,
Not Sure Where To Start?
We would love to share our experiences and adopt curated African Values Based Road Maps to help you Build Back Better both for you & your Organisation.
Let’s Give Wings to your Impact & Legacy Statement in Life.
Give us a call or drop in an email …
- Phone +254 727 629 741
- embrace(at)
Request a Discovery Consultation
If you have any questions or just want to get in touch, use the form below. I look forward to hearing from you! You can get in touch with us directly at embrace(at)