Showing 16 Result(s)

Never Mind The Ambushes & Traps, I will Succeed…

The continuing increase in costs of living and producing goods and services requires resilience and steely temperament  to navigate. One must acknowledge, Accept, Understand and Embrace that this is a lengthy marathon.  There is no quick fix. Mankind did navigate and persevere through the pandemic for close to 3  years, and shall prevail through these …

A Levelling Up In Progress….

I have been following the 2022 Football World Cup. Its been refreshing to see most of the underdogs come on top of their David Vs Goliath match ups. Seemingly globally after the Pandemic and the subsequent energy and financial crisis affecting most countries a disruption has taken place..  A kind of leveling off is in …

Pulling Together…

After every anxious, tumultuous event and challenging situations that we invariably face during our sojourn on earth, we have this awakening that life is larger than we would like to imagine it to be. We have a innate realisation that time is an amazing perspective re-setter. What then arises is a take home message and …

Words Are Sacred

Words have an intrinsic power. When they are , sensible, and sincere, they heal “the hearts that mourn”. They help to settle disputes between husbands and wives, parents and children, brothers and sisters. They help to establish and realize initiatives by the community and relieve suffering. Words are sacred  Aminata Traor’e As we proceed to …

Wangari, The Customer Experience Maestro…

Wangari, Fruit vendor Sagana The Consummate Customer Value Practitioner How often have you had your local and regular  fruit and vegetable vendor offer you the most pulpous sweet  mangoes and juicy oranges laced with a warm smile and generosity that is as rare as can be. This is even before you have had a look …

Serendipity & The Gap…

Serendipity (noun) the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way. Our meeting and journey in the last three months has been unbelievable, and so so refreshing.When they say minds alike meet, not by design but by good fortune. This is “that” meeting of Values and Modus Operandi.  Ideal Scenario  …